Stuck in survival mode rather than thriving?

Want to grow your business, or just be noticed?

You may feel you are noticed but is that enough?

Maybe you want to be remarkable, something or someone that is remarked upon or talked about.

Being remarkable takes verve, confidence, application and resilience. It involves building your brand, being bold, risk-taking and constant evolution.

Start with considering all the positive attributes that you believe you possess, that your enterprise or products possess, and the qualities that set you apart.

Then find the words that best describe what you aim to achieve. Don’t use generic words; focus on the words that are uniquely you.

Then apply your values to how you act and promote yourself in every single way: how you appear, what you do, how you communicate, what your product or service is, and critically, how you think.

Think about it, then do something.

Be bold, take risks; remarkability lies in the edges. In the early ‘90’s, fashion brand French Connection was being slaughtered by an influx of cheap competitors. It couldn’t beat their low prices and, worse, it had lost its youthful edge and looked increasingly old-fashioned. One night, its creative director spotted a fax from the Hong Kong branch (FCHK) to the UK branch (FCUK).

FCUK. Within weeks those four letters appeared on every new item of clothing, in every shop window and on every ad. Fuddy-duddies were outraged, but cash registers chimed and the brand regained its youthful appeal.

Work hard (no short cuts, no deviations) and make continual efforts to constantly reinvest and reinvent. Commitment with no procrastination. Work with good people or associate with other strong brands. Notice and learn from other remarkable people or businesses.

And lastly, confront and overcome your fears: fear of failure – or even success, offending others or looking foolish. You cannot be creative, bold, incisive or decisive from a place of fear.

March 2016