Financial strain is stressful for anyone.
It can often lead to feelings of isolation and even depression.
It is not uncommon for those facing the prospect of insolvency to experience varying degrees of mental illness as a result. And, less common but not rare, mental health problems can lead to insolvency.
We at Sheridans are not qualified in this field and are unable to provide counselling or advice. However, our principal Jennifer Low is an accredited Mental Health First Aider (Counting on U program – Deakin University).
If you are in need of support, there are free support services that may be helpful to you:
Financial Counselling Australia (National Debt Helpline) | 1800 007 007 | |
Salvation Army Moneycare | 13 72 58 | |
Beyond Blue | 1300 224 636 | |
Black Dog Institute | | |
Lifeline Crisis Support | 13 11 14 0477 13 11 14 | Lifeline Text (6pm – midnight AEST) |
MensLine Australia | 1300 789 978 | |
Samaritans Crisis Line | 13 52 47 | |

The above information does not constitute advice from Sheridans.
Sheridans is not responsible for the content contained on the sites listed above.
We accept no legal liability whatsoever arising from material on the sites listed or advice given by those organisations.
Sheridans is not affiliated in any way with the organisations listed above and is independent of the above free services provided to the public.
The listing of the organisations above does not constitute endorsement by Sheridans of their services.